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The Superpower Behind Great Customer Experience

Let’s face it, there can only be one Captain Marvel, Batman, or Iron Man. But, that doesn’t mean there aren’t many more superheroes that you’ll find among the Marvel and DC universes. What superheroes have in common is their fantastic abilities. Some have the power of flight, invisibility, or super speed, while others have advanced accessories. Either way, those powers make up the superhero persona.

But, here’s the thing with superpowers – regardless of what they are or how they are attained, they help heroes perform their work better and more efficiently.

That extends to the real world, where the most successful businesses have figured out the secret to success is delivering a great customer experience (CX) through technology. But, even they need a unique superpower to make it work.

Price and product are no longer the sole differentiators in any competitive market. In fact, they may not even be the main differentiators. Experience, in many cases, tops the list of customer expectations, and the network is key to delivering exceptional CX.

In today’s digital era, the network is the driving force behind great CX and can contribute significantly to the bottom line. Your network provides the application performance, security, and flexibility to support your business and customer-centric initiatives.

In addition to your headquarters, you have branch locations and remote workers connecting to your core network to access a wide range of applications, data, and services. Meanwhile, users are accessing communications, collaboration services, contact center and CRM tools so they can serve your customers. Ultimately, your network is your business’ lifeline because it enables your workforce and your customers to access the resources they need.

SD-WAN is the superpower that can enable your network to deliver on expectations. It will elevate your customers’ experiences and ensure your network is up to the task in a world where the infinite enterprise will drive business success.  The enterprise network must extend to wherever users are — whether employees or customers — so they have reliable, secure access to the resources they need for a great experience made possible by ExtremeCloud SD-WAN.

At the same time, ExtremeCloud SD-WAN delivers a comprehensive, AI-driven solution that simplifies network management for IT teams supporting highly distributed enterprise environments.

  • Application Performance – Dynamically route traffic to the best performing network link to ensure low latency and improved user experience for applications and services.
  • Simplified Management – Manage your wired, wireless, and SD-WAN from a single platform and simplify end-to-end IT management.
  • End-to-End Visibility – Get a single, centralized view of application performance on your network and access to detailed reporting and performance data.
  • Integrated Security – From built-in firewalls to enhanced security features, ensure your network is protected from malicious traffic and intrusion.

As your business grows, the demand on and complexity of your network do, too. Managing connectivity and quality of service at scale in your infinite enterprise is daunting. Without a superpower to lean on, you will likely fail to deliver exceptional experiences because your network traffic and applications aren’t optimized.

Turn your business team into your own version of The Avengers with ExtremeCloud SD-WAN. Your entire team will gain the superpower it needs to deliver the network resources your customers and employees demand, wherever they are located, from New York City to Malibu.

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