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Retail Demo: Unlimited Data with Cloud-Driven Analytics

Ryan Hall Manager, Vertical Solutions Marketing Published 19 Feb 2021

Extreme Networks is the first cloud management provider to deliver unlimited data to its customers for the life of their cloud license.  In the blog post below learn how data analytics enabled by ExtremeCloud IQ, our 4th generation cloud management platform, meets the evolving needs of retail by watching three micro demo videos. 

Cloud-based networking architecture is transforming the retail industry, enhancing the agility, flexibility, and security of the network infrastructure.  Implementing cloud-enabled IT solutions allow retail companies to meet their operational goals and improve customer experiences. With ease-of-use network management, control, and built-in Al/ML, cloud technologies meet the demands of a growing customer base with a simplified and scalable solution for IT teams.

Now, with access to unlimited data analytics, retailers have even more innovation at their fingertips.  Check out the powerful retail intelligence your business can access, in real-time or historically, by watching the demo videos below.

Retail Dashboard: Insights for Business and Technical Personas 


The retail dashboard was specifically built with the industry’s needs in mind. With dual-persona KPIs for business and technical staff, a user can select the insights that are most relevant to them.

From a business standpoint for example, retailers can access insights around the number of current customers in-store, their loyalty status (new/repeat), and the average amount of time spent shopping – and in what department.  These insights are comparable across distributed locations.  With unlimited data, the retail business can compare how the data changes based off the season, launching relevant promotions, or store location.  From a technical standpoint, IT staff can view network/Wi-Fi usage, device profile, and bandwidth consumed over time for capacity planning, as well as to help inform important network investments to better align with usage trends.

Network 360 


Network 360 in ExtremeCloud IQ leverages Extreme’s cloud architecture and native machine learning to collect, process, and analyze vast amounts of network and client-generated data – condensing it down to consumable and actionable insights for IT in a single view.

This functionality is hugely valuable for retailers and their many sites, as it efficiently delivers real time and historical network health metrics into a single view, cutting down on time spent troubleshooting and ensuring network uptime.  KPIs can be aggregated by day, week, month, or year with unlimited data.  It includes device health, client health, Wi-Fi health, network health, service availability, applications, and of course security.  With unlimited data retailers have a greater sample size of insights to draw from across these categories, enabling IT teams to make more informed decisions when configuring their network deployments and addressing potential disruptions before they happen.

Client 360 and Topology View


With Client 360, retailers have access to a machine learning-based tool with client comparative analytics for performance and optimization, focused around individual clients on a retailer’s network.  Retailers can use analytics gather within Client 360 to quickly identify problems, resolve network errors, and optimize performance for clients for all the online locations – whether it’s in-store shoppers on the public Wi-Fi or a point of sale device.  With unlimited data, a retailer can explore client data from a week, month, or even year out to make smarter decisions moving forward; for example, the previous year’s holiday shopping season.

To learn more about Extreme’s IT solutions for retail, visit our vertical solution page.  Like what you see from ExtremeCloud IQ? Schedule a demo with one of our experts.

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