New On-Demand Webinar: Adapting and Implementing the New Normal for Education

Deidra Peterson Specialist, Vertical Solutions Marketing Published 4 Sep 2020

Education institutions across the globe have responded and adapted to distant learning. Now as they prepare for the fall semester, digital transformation has taken on a whole new meaning in and out of the classroom. Educators are adopting and leveraging new technology at unprecedented rates, uncovering the silver linings for student engagement, personalized learning and flexibility through distant learning models.

K-12 and higher education institutions are applying technologies strategically and creatively while the global pandemic has increased the intensity of the unique IT challenges education is already facing. We put together an interactive on-demand webinar featuring insights from education experts to shed light on the current key approaches education institutions are taking to succeed in today’s new normal. 

Questions answered:

  • What has distant learning revealed regarding the individualized learning opportunities between students and teachers?
  • How has IT dealt with stress on resources that weren’t designed for remote learning use cases?
  • Will the digital classroom that allows instructors to record and stream lectures become the new standard in education?
  • How will hybrid learning models take effect in the coming school year?
  • How have students responded to the transition to distant learning?
  • What are the specific technology components that comprise a digital classroom?
  • How will technology be infused into the curriculum itself?
  • What will previously in-person student engagement activities look like?
  • What are the IT considerations that IT teams within education should be considering supporting agility, adaptability and flexibility?
  • How will IT and device security be managed?
  • Is education headed toward the cloud?

Featured experts:

Richard Webb, CTO, Fremont Public Schools

Bruce Gillham, Superintendent, Shady Point School District

Dr. Basem El-Haddadeh, Director of IT Services, Leeds Beckett University

Key takeaways:

Key considerations for the new normal – technology and education trends
A showcase of strategies and best practices from leaders in the education industry, including:

  • How education IT departments are coping with and adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • How teachers and staff are evolving their classrooms into remote learning environments and still continue to drive better learning outcomes
  • Best practices for remote and online learning
  • Facilitating agile environments by delivering simple and secure remote and extended connectivity, with centralized IT control
  • How to better enable contact tracing and occupancy management 

 Watch our on demand webinar, Adapting and Implementing the New Normal for Education for the full details on the discussion.

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