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Preparing your Network for Life in the New Normal

Kendra Luciano Managing Editor, Content Marketing Published 13 Jul 2020

Preparing your Network for Life in the New Normal – Blog

It appears COVID-19 is not leaving our communities anytime soon, it grows increasingly important to create a sustainable network for post pandemic operations. As you adjust in your new ways of learning, working, and living at home, there is an increasing need for greater network management, dexterity, control, and data insights. Regardless of the industry, you are in, an exceptionally fast, flexible, and secure connection is critical, feasible in today’s world only with next-generation cloud-driven networking capabilities. Check out the infographic below to see how cloud networking can enable you to collect, consume, and correlate vast amounts for meaningful network data instantly.

Facilitating Agile Work Environments

As your employees, students, or customers become increasingly spread out in their homes the challenge of keeping them connected grows more difficult. Cloud-management allows organizations to support highly dispersed remote and progressive campus environments, all managed from a central location. This allows for any time, anywhere access to keep everyone driving towards future innovations!

IoT and Robotics Automations

The constant addition of IoT and robotics devices can lead to headaches about security and control for many organizations. Extremes IoT solution makes it easy to apply a secure connection to a network of authorized devices, quickly identifying and isolating compromised devices.  Secure onboarding and visibility steps help automate your service, reduce risk, and minimize staff exposure.

Contract Tracing Enablement

ExtremeCloud IQ assists organizations to comply with new and wavering government regulations to reduce the spread of COVID-19 through contact tracing. Delivering realtime reporting of users enables organization to analyze what’s happening inside their facilities to quickly identify hotspots, or isolate individuals or buildings if needed. Extreme’s data insights in combination with apps by Apple and Google provide even more tracking data to keep your workforce safe.

Occupancy Management

Utilizing data insights and analytics from IoT Wi-Fi and Bluetooth sensor can manage your organization’s social distancing rules. Extreme and ecosystems partners are helping organizations to track attendance, positioning, and realtime locating. Extreme helps enable applications by identifying facility zones with excessive congregation levels as well as trigger foot-traffic based flags noting that deep-cleaning steps should be taken to aid facility safety

As cabin fever intensifies and we all look for ways to return to life before the pandemic, it is important we keep in mind the health and safety of your employees, students, and customer. ExtremeCloud IQ will help enable us to return to a new normal with added safety features.

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